Dog Surgery Isn't Fun (Round Two)

Thursday, October 17, 2013
Lu isn't the only baby in the Sparrow family.  She was preceeded by one cat and two dogs.  Our dog Niles is really our first baby, since we adopted him shortly after getting engaged in 2008.  Fun story: we picked him up from the shelter on the day of our engagement party and took him to the party that night (where he stole the show!).

Niles tore his left ACL last year and had to have surgery to fix it.  The worst part of this injury in a dog (aside from the cost and recovery time) is that there is a high likelihood that the dog will tear the other ACL as well.  Not shockingly, Niles started limping on the right side and x-rays this summer confirmed that he had torn the right ACL too.  Not awesome.  As the vet said, "the good news is he only has two knees."  

Our sweet boy had surgery yesterday and came home last night.  I spent about 2 hours on the floor with him before he finally fell into a drugged sleep. 

We were worried that it would be hard to keep Lu away from him.  To say she loves him is an understatement.  Her first words were "dog" and "Ni" and she is always scooting over to pet him.  She will lay her head on his belly and hug him.  Yesterday, while he was in surgery, she asked for him several times, repeating his name and looking around the room. 

But, this morning, when Lu saw Niles with a shaved bum, cast, and cone she was skeptical and keeping a distance.  By this afternoon, the sight of him was making her cry.  Hopefully we can get back to keeping a distance soon?   It is tough taking care of two babies when one is afraid of the other...

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